Feminists heart infants

vWell, this was posted earlier this week, and it set the blogosphere churning.

Here’s a sample:

One of the minor dishonesties of the feminist movement has been to underestimate the passion of this time, to try for a rational, politically expedient assessment. Historically, feminists have emphasized the difficulty, the drudgery of new motherhood. They have tried to analogize childcare to the work of men; and so for a long time, women have called motherhood a “vocation.” The act of caring for a baby is demanding, and arduous, of course, but it is wilder and more narcotic than any kind of work I have ever done.

I appreciate the author’s take on her new motherhood, but the broad-brush tarring of feminism for its lack of attention to motherhood is ill-considered, at best.

For more perspective on the topic, try this.

(I’m a fan of the Toni Morrison School of Feminist Mother-Thought:

The person that was in me that I liked best was the one my children seemed to want.

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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