Sarah Palin Hearts Dr. Laura

Following Laura Schlessinger’s use of the n-word on-air recently, and the
subsequent announcement of her retirement, Alaska’s former governor/the Republican’s former vice presidential candidate/and current grandmother of Tripp sent words of support via her Twitter account.

To which the Rev. Al Sharpton responded, via Twitter: “Reload what? The N Word?”

And thanks, Sis. Cynical, for the link.

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. Is Sarah Palin really this ignorant about Constitutional rights? Or is it possible that this is all some kind of ironic, street theatre? Like one day she’s going to come on the TV and say: “How did you guys miss that I was against anything and everything that made logical sense, and for anything and everyting asinine?

    And then she will take her place amongst the greats of politial comedy. People will mention her name in the same breath as Lenny Bruce.

    But seriously, I think my Constitutional rights are bing denied because I do not have my own radio show!

  2. wow,, what a talk show! Dr. Laura did no wrong in my opinion. She’s right, the blacks use N words ALL THE TIME, but if we (white population) said it wihtout malice, the blacks raise hell………….. what wrong with the picture?

    1. It is an interesting conversation, but it’s a word I don’t use, ever, because it would hurt my friends. And it would give the impression that I think the word’s OK and in my opinion, the word’s not OK until my friends say it is. I’ve let go of the use “retard,” as well, given that it hurts my friends.

        1. Because decent people don’t and its not universal that black people use it. Its a reminent of slavery and honestly, is your vocabulary so limited that is a word you need to use?

          Boo hoo. Get a thesaurus.

    2. Also Lee if you’re going to refer to one group as “the blacks” can you a please also refer to the other “the whites.” It keeps things more balanced that way.

    3. Lee, members of a minority group may use words among themselves that would be offensive coming from outside that group.

      However, it isn’t a good idea for anyone, really.

      1. I don’t know how old Lee is, but Jay probably remembers a time when there were derogatory terms for deaf people.

        1. Deaf and dumb. Deaf mute. “The deaf,” as if we are some amorphous mass.

          And now we’re at the other end of the spectrum: “auditorially challenged.” Augh!

          1. ““The deaf,” as if we are some amorphous mass.”

            Kind of like “the blacks,” or “the Muslims.”

    4. What’s wrong with the picture?

      1. Your using of the term “the blacks.” You know, we are people too.
      2. Many people of African descent find the word offensive, no matter who uses it. I don’t care if you watched the Boondocks a million times — it’s an offensive word.

      1. I was reflecting on this, relating it to the word “faggot”. Why it is okay for GLBT people to use if they wish – they are not going to beat each other to death for the mere fact of their being GLBT while screaming that word. Its a word of violence and hate in the mouths of non-GLBT people. Same with other hate words.

      2. Every word in the English language may be offensive to someone, if they choose to be offended.
        Personally, the band, “Tit Whistle” offends me. By using that expression as their name, they offend my sense of humor.

    5. Not only the word she used but the point of her screed was awful and offensive. She did NO wrong??
      Whites are being oppressed by blacks now that we are barred from using that word?
      Sorry Lee, you’ll not find solace here for those beliefs.

      1. Oh, No! Now we’re getting to the area of right and wrong. I’m going to have to disqualify myself here.
        I don’t know if any white is being “oppressed” for not being allowed to use the “N” word, but we are sure being mocked when we do, regardless of the context.

  3. Neither woman has a firm grasp on the meaning of the 1st Amendment or censorship. Come to think of it, they don’t have a firm grasp of the meaning of “free market,” either.

    Sarah Palin and Lenny Bruce on the same stage–now there’s an image.

  4. I think he does, he just doesn’t want to.

    Plain English: so you use a word that you KNOW is going to piss people off and they make fun of you (at best) . So what? Our words have consequences. In the book I’m reading “The Commited LIfe” by Rabbitzin Esther Jungreis, she talks about how words brought the world into being – so there are consequences. Suck it up. Part of life.

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