Levi Johnston has apologized and said he may have lied a little

The father of Sarah Palin’s grandson has apologized — publicly and privately — to the Palin family for saying things that, he said “were not completely true.”

And thanks, Bro. Todd, for the link.

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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      1. I knew it was a typo, but I still had a giggle imagining the other Alaska Hillbillies naming their sons Levi and Levin! (Which would be tame, compared to the Palins’ name choices for their brood.)

        1. I want to go back to my childbearing years and have daughters and name them Feather and Moonrise, just to make myself look more interesting.

          I am riddled with typos, myself. But I am close.

                1. I am saddened that every time — every time — I get a new name, it sucks.

          1. It didn’t help poor old Frank Zappa…
            Then again, he was pretty darn interesting before he had kids.

      1. It seems he’s part of a larger group of people who share a single goal turning their hardly merited 15 minutes into a decade’s worth of attention.

          1. Not to brown nose . . . but whatever acclaim you have and/or will receive is merited.

            Now if you start saying “you betcha” all the time and repeating party line nonsense . . . then that’s a different story.

            1. Actually, there are extra gift bags given out for brown-nosing.

              You betcha.

              Go Cardinals!

              Oh, wait. I got confused. It’s the heat.

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