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  1. This generated no more comment that this?

    I’m disappointed. Really disappointed.

    This guy dropped a bomb, and nobody responded? Oh, well, maybe white guys are complacent.

      1. Maybe you are right, Cynical. But if you ARE right, then that tells me there are no Tea Partiers reading this blog, because those people think they are oppressed by Obama, who has taken away all their rights.

        This video shows a guy pointing out rather clearly that if you are a white, straight male you have all kinds of unearned benefits due to nothing but luck and other people’s prejudices in your favor. But there are so many who feel they personally and totally on their own earned every single benefit they have. So, clearly, none of those people are reading this blog. Either that, or they don’t want to comment.

        On Susan’s other blog (at the Courant) we had a few folks who I’m pretty sure were Tea Partiers. Not sure why they haven’t come over here, but I must say I do enjoy their absence.

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