On being grateful…

img_0634_1_2_3-600pxI just bought a new-to-me car. Well, I thought I bought a car, but as it turns out, I am that one-in-a-million customer who chooses to buy a car that is not accompanied by a title.

In order to secure said title, the dealership has gone back and forth with the bank in a process too stupid to go into here.

At first, I was mad that I couldn’t just pick the car up. Then I was huffy. Then I got distracted and figured they’d call me when the title had arrived and there are bigger things to sweat, anyway.

But my husband took it upon himself to drop by the dealership yesterday. He is the one who pointed me toward this dealership, but in my mind he bears no responsibility for what’s happened since.

We are both fiercely independent. This is my car, bought with my money, and I am a big girl. In fact, a small part of me was annoyed  that he stepped in– I got this — but mostly, I appreciated that he went to see what’s what. Even when you’re out slaying dragons and can lift the sword all by yourself, it’s nice to have a back-up.

(Now, if he had driven home in the car,  I would have driven it straight back to the lot. But I appreciate him trying.)

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. Sounds like a lien wasn’t satisfied. Banks can be picky about that.
    I hope you scored better than the old Chevy in the photo.

    1. It’s a Subaru, New England’s Solution. (That was an add when I moved back here in the ’80s and I remember thinking, “Welp: Guess I’d better get a Subaru.” I am leaving the VW family after some 25 years.

      And that’s precisely what it was, and the dealership has been apologetic and all but offered my a giraffe as an apology. (That’s what I asked for in my last email.)

      1. I like Subaru. A well built, reliable automobile. They’re very popular out here, too. Not as popular as 3/4ton 4X4 trucks and eight passenger SUVs…but popular.

        I will always picture you in a convertible Bug.

          1. I’m sure there’s a conversion kit out there somewhere.
            Most of the Subaru mods we see out here look like this.

                1. Oh, FFS. It’s a Subaru. If you want a studly car, go get one. That ain’t a Subaru. They’re made with love. (Hack, hack, cough, cough.)

                2. Oh, FFS. It’s a Subaru. If you want a studly car, go get one. That ain’t a Subaru. They’re made with love. (Hack, hack, cough, cough.)

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