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  1. That kind of makes me sad because it reminds me that even though things may not have been weird on stage, they were weird for that little boy off-stage at home. Sad.

    1. 100 years ago there was a made-for-TV movie (I think) and it made me stop and think about how rotten it must have been for him as a kid.

  2. THANK YOU!!– for saying this so eloquently; as usual, music says what words cannot. Why is it the most tortured souls make the most heartfelt music? And which came first anyway, the fame or the weirdness? Who can say….

    1. Excellent question. I’ve often wondered if artists have to be tortured in order to make art — like turning bullets into butterflies. If you don’t have the bullets, can you have the butterflies?

        1. Good point. I don’t see torture in that music, but — and this probably says something about me — the artists I most admire often had patchy personal lives.

    1. I’d like to think mine is among the patchiest, though. I’m competitive that way.

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