Name the movie that inspired you most

vI don’t necessarily mean your favorite movie, but a movie you watched that just might have changed you.

Mine’s “Gandhi,” with Ben Kingsley. No, I didn’t start wearing homespun clothing and I certainly didn’t wholeheartedly embrace nonviolence, but more than any sermon, more than any Sunday school lesson, that movie made me think about the way I move through the world.

More on the quotable Mahatma Gandhi here.

And yours?

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. Gandhi is a great choice. I’d have to add To Kill a Mockingbird to the list. I read it and saw the movie in 1963 when I was 16. I grew up in a lily-white New England town and was just realizing what racial inequality meant. Against the background of the Civil Rights Movement this film moved me to tears, it still does.

    1. Excellent choice. I’ve nursed a life-long crush on Gregory Peck (beyond the grave, at this point, I guess) from that movie.

  2. In an interview Gregory Peck told the story that the watch that he used as Atticus Finch belonged to Harper Lee’s father, upon whom she fashioned the character.

    I too have always adored Gregory Peck!

  3. Dead Man Walking. I was awakening to my liberal self and still didn’t know it when I saw this movie. I knew for sure after I saw it that I wanted nothing to do with state-sanctioned killing.

    1. That was an incredibly moving movie and I know it made me rethink some things, too.

  4. Some day, when I have nothing to do, I think I shall make a DVD collage of my favorite movie segments and favorite lines. I can’t come up with just one.

      1. Some may be difficult to cut up into segments, like “Crash” for example. Loved it and yet I think it needs to remain whole. I may need lots of DVDs!

    1. Purple Hearts? Why that one? I haven’t seen it, but I have read about it.

  5. Love, war, and the redemption of spirit…the doc learns there is more to healing the world than just healing bodies.

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