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      1. Do you know where this came from originally? This sort of thing puts people into therapy years later.

          1. Nah, by the anti-health-reform crew. They’re all about personal responsibility — if you’re bad, you get sick, it’s obvious!

                1. Right out there in my hotel parking lot, yes. And other people joined me! We did a mix of that, and the Move Your Boogie Body dance, too.

                    1. How can I say this? Jac, you have a living, breathing faith. You talk to God regularly. You live your faith. All of this automatically denies you membership to the Church of Church Ladies. You are not nearly stiff-necked enough to join us in our superior dance. I’m sorry. I say that with love.

    1. Her pants are down. Whyever would that detail be necessary? But then, if you’re going to launch nonsense like this, I guess a telling detail like that really isn’t that big a deal.

  1. good grief. Although of course it makes perfect sense in the Old Testament-y kind of way. (I’m reading the Bible to my kids. Why did Noah curse Canaan? Cripes.)

  2. Holy Macaroni, that is the worst thing I’ve seen in a long time. It would make me convert to a non-Christian faith if I was a kid!

  3. Hokay, what I want to know is why Jesus pulled the little girl’s pants down? ‘Cause, see, that makes this spanking sexual abuse. Srsly. Look it up. ZOMG JESUS IS A SEX OFFENDER.

  4. It’s not a laughing matter. And yet…… it makes me think of Roy Zimmerman’s song about a mean and vengeful God:

      1. Tangentially: In his recent newsletter Roy says this:

        “I had the pleasure during this tour to stay a night at Kagin Manor, the Union, KY home of Edwin and Helen Kagin. Edwin is a Southerner, a son of a Presbyterian minister, an Air Force veteran, a handgun instructor and nevertheless, an avowed athiest – an Important Athiest in fact, who has written a book called “Baubles of Blasphemy.” “Baubles…” is a deft and witty tweaking of America’s religious sensibilities, highly recommended reading before your next trip to the Creation Museum. Look here

  5. Did Jesus really have to pull her pants down to do this? I didn’t know he was a pederast…after all, most carpenters I know are strong enough to spank hard through the toughest jeans.

    Of course, I guess it is possible that his hands are still sore after 2,000 years.

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