Oh, Marge. Say it isn’t so

The venerable Marge Simpson — she of the big tower of blue hair — will pose for Playboy next month, in honor of “The Simpsons'” (and I can’t type that without singing it in my head) 20th anniversary.

Marge is a freewill agent, but I hope daughter Lisa — protofeminist that she is — gives her a good what-for.

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. I’m sure she’s already posed in full-blown anime porn.

    Shucks, folks started writing Star Trek porn forty years ago…and still do. Yes, you can imagine yourself in the embrace of James T. Kirk….

    boy or girl you be.

    1. The thing is, I can’t imagine myself in the arms of James T. Kirk. He was the captain, after all, and captains don’t fraternize. Do they?

        1. To whom is this addressed? Never watched the show? I am the mother of sons. Of course I watched the show.

        1. I did watch the show and I was mightily bothered when every other week or so some woman would fall in love with Capt. James T. Kirk. I mean, he was the captain! He had busy important stuff to do.

            1. That’s how I remember it: It was kind of icky, if you ask me. You didn’t ask me, but there you are.

  2. And don’t forget the aliens that loved Kirk…most of which ended dying tragically. And of course, Picard was no saint either, but was more restrained.

    The explanation is simple: woman across the universe are attracted to men with power, especially in societies where money is no longer an issue.

    And besides, what was the Enterprise besides just a big ol hotrod?

    Women. Just as shallow in the 25th century as the 20th.

    1. Humphrey: Still asking for a smackin’ after all these years. I remember a lot of the women-who-loved-Kirk (whatever their planets) dying tragically. Same with the Cartwright Brothers’ paramours. Love Hoss? Dead! Love Little Joe? Dead, again! And Pa Cartwright? Three! Dead! That we know of!

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