Not one, but TWO creation museums!

There’s the behemoth one in Kentucky, the Creation Museum, and a second one, the Glendive Dinosaur & Fossil Museum in Montana. Most of the visitors to that smaller and newer museum:

already believe that God made people and dinosaurs on the sixth day of creation, and the rest leave with “a lot to think about.”

Wouldn’t they? And thanks, Right Wing Watch, for the link.

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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    1. Oh, no! I hope T-Rexes existed. Otherwise, my grown son might have a hard time moving through the world. Those were his favorite. Won’t it be funny when at some point we all get to know the answers to these and other questions and we find out the answer is oemthing like your homeboy says, that we’ve made up half of the stuff on which we ruminate?

      1. Apparently Jack and his colleagues theorize about a third of the “known” species are actually adolescent versions of adults. His studies reveal incredible differences and changes experienced by Dinosaurs during maturation.
        I think T-Rex is safe. Some of his cousins may be in a little trouble……..

        1. Whew. I only ever cared about T-Rex. That’s not true. I’m fond of pterodactyls, too.

  1. Is there a boy on this earth who didn’t have a dinosaur phase? My grandsons are carrying on the legacy. BUT they will know the truth that these museums fall in the category of road-side attractions as opposed to actual science anything!

    1. And some girls, too! I heard my lil 3 yr-old niece (who wants to be tough, but girly at times, and pretty much is caught in between) went to have her face painted the other day and asked for a T-Rex. Then she added that she’d like it to be pink…with glitter.
      I noticed that the dinosaur that Jesus is riding upon is purple-ish and so maybe the T-Rex was pink.

  2. Apatosaurus and brontosaurus are the same beast. Apatosaurus was the earlier name, so when they figured this out, they went with that name. My sons are both prehistoric animal crazy although the older one is more into prehistoric mammals now.

    And it has to be said “The others are left with a lot to think about…” yeah, they are thinking these creationists are kooks!

    Also, Dave Thomas (of Pere Ubu fame) does a nice song about how we don’t know the colors or if dinos have feathers etc.

  3. Quote from the text:
    “Most of the visitors to that smaller and newer museum:

    already believe that God made people and dinosaurs on the sixth day of creation, and the rest leave with “a lot to think about.”

    WTF? Do these guys also watch The Flintstones and think it’s a documentary?

    1. Wait. You mean “The Flintstones” isn’t a documentary? (And thanks for the laugh, Gabriel.)

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