Bless Gary Cass’s little heart…

Cass, of the always entertaining Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, is busy having three cows and two kittens over Pres. Obama signing the hate crime bill into law.

In his statement, Cass, whose organization lobbied hard against the bill, works himself up into an impressive lather, and then writes:

To sign the bill in the Rose Garden is another slap in the face and shows the level of contempt President Obama has for the majority of Americans who oppose the ‘homosexualization’ of marriage, the military and public education. 

Which implies, perhaps, that if the President had signed the bill in, say, the Oval Office, Americans like Cass wouldn’t be so offended? I am concerned here. What symbolism does the Rose Garden hold for Cass, d’ya think? I ask that with love. And I won’t even begin to try to figure out what “homosexualization” means because such pondering would no doubt lead to a headache.

[That’s not Cass’s picture up there. That’s just a really awesome and angry baby.]

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. I think his use of “homosexualization” is a big clue to why this is threatening to him and others like him. Apparently, he thinks there is a conspiracy among a group of “homosexualizers” to turn everyone gay and take over the world…hahaha!

    1. Remember that device in “Men in Black” that erases memory of specific events? Well the homosexualizers have developed a variation it. Yep, they point it at you, push the button, a flash goes off, and ZAP! You’re gay! Runnnnnnnnnnnn!

    2. And what would that word look like, I wonder? Would it be all that different from this one?

      1. Well, of COURSE those who have somehow avoided actually being homosexualized (something in the gene-structure — don’t worry, we’re working on it) will have to dress in funny costmes and do their Homosexual Masters’ & Mistresses’ bidding. Of course.

    1. In some states, it is. No, I get your point. And yeah, I kind of want to wear that baby on a t-shirt.

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