No goblin weddings at the Old Dutch Church

vThat’s a beautiful old church in Sleepy Hollow, NY, where a couple had planned a Halloween-themed wedding until the minister said no.

Which just goes to show you that, unlike concerns expressed from Christians from my tribe, it is highly unlikely that any clergy will be required to perform weddings of same-sex couples if they don’t want to, says Chris Hampton at the ACLU’s Blog of Rights. Kind of makes those fears dissipate, doesn’t it? Or, at least, it should.

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. Clergy have the right to refuse to officiate at weddings. Maybe the couple seems unsuited to each other, maybe they’re immature, maybe they want a circus-type atmosphere rather than a reverent ceremony.

    The minister’s offer to marry this couple in the cemetery was very generous.

    1. I thought so, too. And I think it’s only right and fair that a member of the clergy not participate in any ceremony, rite, etc., that makes him or her uncomfortable. The folks over on the righthand side of the pew argue that if marriage equality comes to their states, they’ll have to do something they find wrong. But they won’t. And yeah, I wouldn’t want to crap up a perfectly good ceremony with ghosts, goblins, etc. It’s the same way I feel about quickie Las Vegas-type weddings, too. I’ve never had a big church wedding (and if Mr. DJ can just hang in there, that won’t be a concern of mine, ever) but there is some solemnity to joining together like that. I speak for myself. If others want to ride elephants and wear black (I never wore white, either), rock on.

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