If I have to walk across hot coals…

…I will do so because I believe Baby Jesus wants me to have this shirt.

And thanks, Sister Vegas, for the link.

UPDATE: Bagged and tagged. Because of the excellent sleuth work of Sister Neu, we now know that Cafe Press (UK) sells ’em, and I have just put 14 pounds on my credit card — which, with the exchange rate, is rougly $75. No, I kid. It’s $22 and change, but who’s carping because I can finally wear my theology on my sleeve. Or chest.)

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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        1. Psh backatcha. SOME of us aren’t extremely talented (in that, I guess I’m speaking for myself). And I don’t want to steal the guy’s idea.

          1. Want I should steal it for you? ‘Cause you know I don’t give a shit. Did you look at the journal link I sent you today?

  1. Uhh…the people that need to read such a t-shirt are those typically too lazy to read for comprehension.

  2. Maybe we should just ask him if he minds if we make our own, then we can get them done!
    I just got ugly words from the pastor I was talking to on facebook (the one saying it was wrong and bad and sinful to celebrate Halloween). I don’t know why I get into these conversations, I can’t seem to help myself. He’s a big fat jerk meanie and I’ll tell it to his face when we get up to heaven. But I was nice on facebook.

      1. Fantastic. He’ll be the one gesturing angrily at the throne and yelling that God is WRONG about the rules. Well, that probably doesn’t help, I imagine there will be more than a few men that fit that description.

        1. Yeah. Sorry, but you’re going to have to get more specific. And if I can’t have the Weirdest Childhood Ever crown, I can at least earn more stripes in my Tongue-Lashing Merit Badge.

    1. And that has to count for something. But too bad the pastor felt like sharing ugly words. Doesn’t seem (she sniffed) very pastor-like….

  3. I’d add 2 beginning lines to my shirt:

    A few thousand years ago

    men said that

    God said it.

    I interpreted it.

    That doesn’t exactly settle it.

        1. You know, you’re right. It was late and I forgot myself. Neu, pick up your hefty DJ Correspondent check at the door. It’s right there by the unicorns and leprechauns. No! I mean it!

  4. If the t-shirt is too tough to get, cafepress also sells a bumber sticker for $5 that says simply:

    Your God said it
    not one of mine.

    I suppose that implies polytheism. Scratch that if it doesn’t apply.

    1. They sell bumper stickers, although I can’t say for sure that they don’t also sell bumber stickers.

              1. Good one!

                BTW- I picked up my mango lassi ingredients. Now I have to find your link to the recipe. Now where was it….
                It’s just in time, too, since my son came down with the flu and needs TLC. He loves mango lassis.

                1. I carried the ingredients (and recipe) around in my bag all day but I am going to make them once I toddle off to the store. I just may use strawberries, instead. Wonder if that’ll work.

  5. “I just got ugly words from the pastor I was talking to on facebook (the one saying it was wrong and bad and sinful to celebrate Halloween). I don’t know why I get into these conversations, I can’t seem to help myself. He’s a big fat jerk meanie and I’ll tell it to his face when we get up to heaven. But I was nice on facebook”

    Why bother? Undoubtedly he’s a funny-mentalist.

    1. Funny-mentalist! I have a new word to steal and call my own! I don’t know. It’s easier to just shout people like me down, but in the end if we’re not at least trying, well…I give Vegas points for at least trying. Let it be known, though: Getting into an argument with a fundamentalist is like a life-long commitment. We’re in the argument for the long haul. You’ve been warned. Plus, there’s that whole we-have-God-on-our-side (and-you-don’t) thing going.

  6. *picks up DJ correspondent badge*

    Oh my, I feel like Anderson Cooper. :D Except I’m his 19-year old, skunk-striped (yes, like Stacy London) counterpart.

    1. Yeah, but here at DJ you pass for cool. Pretty soon, we’re ALL gonna be sporting skunk-stripes! (or the equivalent thereof). The money is quite huge in DJ correspondency, by the way. Spend it wisely. Or not.

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