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  1. I think this is pretty cute, and I love the poor father who is just thinking Dear Jesus Let me sleep a little more.

  2. Sounds like a cutie pie who listens like mad when grown-ups talk in church and loves to repeat! My youngest grandson just came up with a great church line. He’s 3

    When asked what he’d like to be in the Christmas pagent this year he resoundingly shouted, “Batman!!”

  3. For many years I’ve made a standing offer to anyone who could, based on the Bible, prove that the number of Magi was three.

    I haven’t had to cough up yet.

    1. Or that the big fish in the Jonah story was a whale. I once earned a beer in a Tulsa bar over that. I also earned a beer in another Tulsa bar for being able to recite the books of the Hebrew scriptures. I was surprised the person who bet me COULDN’T do that, it being Tulsa and all.

  4. You can win yourself a few more beers by asking, “What do John the Baptist and Winnie the Pooh have in common?”

    The correct answer is . . . . .

    (drum roll)

    Same middle name.

  5. My UU with a Heathen expression son knows all the books of the Bible. When we homeschooled I told him it was important. And now I know it is! He’ll win beers in Tulsa!

    1. I wish I could remember the name of the bars where my mad Bible skills got me beers. I can’t say whether that’s a city-wide phenomenon.

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