Dear Wing-nuts,

And you know who you are.

Way to twist a Bible verse into something ugly. Way to use the Bible as a weapon. Way to — once again — look like wack-jobs who’ll stop at nothing. Way to reach out. All that.

Why? Psalms 109:8 says this: May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership. (That’s the New International Version). Funny, right? except as a reconstructed fundamentalist, I’ve learned to appreciate context, and that verse is followed by Psalms 109:9: May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow — also the NIV.

John at Gawker covers this pretty well, but let me add this: Matt. 7: 1-2. Oh, and I Cor. 14:38.

And thanks, Jezebel, for the link.

UPDATE: Say goodbye to these t-shirts. And thanks, Sister Cynical, for the update.

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. Well, that’s mighty Christian of them. They’ve managed to piss off Jesus and make a few bucks, too.

  2. Reminds me of an old joke–

    A young student in seminary was told to open a Bible at random, bring his hand down on any verse, and preach on that verse.

    The first verse was: “Judas went and hung himself.”

    Thinking that there was no way he could preach on this, he tried again.

    “Go, and do thou likewise.”

    The student turned pale and tried once more.

    “Whatever thou doest, do it quickly.”

    He fainted.

  3. Wrong …on so many levels. Kind of like the way the media is treating a mother of five children, who’s also… a decent lady, but not according to liberal America. It’s funny how this wonderful, honest, woman really upsets other women.

    1. Again! With the labels! “Liberal America.” Who the hell are you talking about? And how many women have you polled to see that Palin upsets them? I can honestly say she doesn’t upset me. Not a bit. She is who she is. I disagree with her politics.

      1. Just for giggles, check out the Alaskan blogosphere. You might find people on both sides of the aisle whom Palin DOES upset. I’m not in a place where I can look them up right now but “Mudflats” comes to mind.

        I think it’s hard to speak about the decency of a person if one doesn’t know him/her, no? Lip service is so easy, and we have seen politicians of all stripes fall from decency as their power has grown.

  4. So let me see if I got this straight. Politicians who are women and mothers are not allowed to be criticized?

  5. As Schaeffer asks, why aren’t Christian leaders denouncing this stuff? Doesn’t that make them just as bad as the Taliban? Why are they keeping silent? Why isn’t this exactly the same thing as all the Muslim-Americans supposedly keeping silent about Muslim terrorists? Why isn’t news of Christian terrorists the lead story on the nightly news?

      1. IOKIYAC (It’s okay if you’re a Christian). I think we learned that lesson during the Bush II regime.

  6. That’s about the worst anti-Obama T-shirt I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen so many!). The subtle and not-so-subtle ways that a particular group of people have been edging their followers toward violence against this president is deeply terrifying to me, and I wish they would be called out on it more often and by more mainstream sources.

    1. In my day job, I’m a mainstream journalist. Look for this to appear on a mainstream blog near you.

  7. Episcopal churches generally pray for the President of the United States each Sunday, regardless of political affiliation.

    My “internal” prayer for the previous president was that he wake up and smell the coffee.

    For this president, I pray for courage to do what is right.

    1. Good prayers, both of them. I think it’s a good thing to pray for the President, whatever his/her political bent.

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