Vegas made me think of this. Leftover, too.

It’s been roughly a year since this blog was born, and I am interested in how you found it.

Leftover found it linked from a CNN story on abortion. Vegas found it through another link from a mutual friend. You are under no obligation, but if you want to share:

How did you get here?

(And I don’t want to brag, but see how David Byrne jerks in this video? That is pretty much how I dance. I take my cue from him. I’ve been told I look like something between someone falling off a ship and someone seized by the Spirit.)

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. I discovered Dating Jesus from blogging on the Hartford Courant. Susan Campbell’s “Fear, itself “blog is a ton of fun. After going to see you perform a reading of “Dating Jesus” I became a fan for life. God has not only blessed you with awesome writing skills, you also have a wicked good sense of comedic timing as well. I read a lot of books and “Dating Jesus” was the clearly the best book I read all year . Wally Lamb’s “Wishn’ and Hopin’ ” was a distant second.

    1. Thanks, Todd. Let me see if I can get your check in the mail for that — tomorrow at the latest, OK? I loved Wally Lamb’s book, myself.

      1. You promised cash.

        Did you lose your breath when Felix told the woman like an oven joke on the Ranger Andy Show. I literally cried when I read that scene…then it took me some time to catch my breath I laughed so vigorously.

  2. I love Talking Heads.
    I love that song.
    The live version of Take Me to the River is one my all time favorites.

    1. My favorite song ever is “Burning Down the House,” and when I get into arguments with my deskmate at work (who knows far more about music than I ever will), I always argue for that one. Do you like any of David Byrne’s later stuff?

      1. I like that one, too.
        After Talking heads I haven’t followed too closely. But every so often I come across some things of his. He can get experimental or avant-garde and sometimes that will go right over my head. But I still give it a try.
        He’s a great artist.
        But I like his Talking Heads work the best.

      2. I always liked “Once in a Lifetime”…and the MTV video is a riot…I don’t know why Byrne is karate chopping his arm up and down but it’s still pretty funny.

        You may ask yourself, how do I work this?
        You may ask yourself, where is that large automoblie?
        You may tell yourself, this is not my beautiful house

        You may tell yourself, this is not my beautiful wife
        Letting the days go by, let the water water hold me down.

        1. None of my friends liked that song when it came out, so I served as a kind of one-woman fan club in SW Missouri. I just didn’t see how they couldn’t see the genius. I think I was quite obnoxious about it, actually.

  3. I really can’t remember how I found this site. But I’m glad I did–despite the worst WordPress version ever invented.

    1. It builds character. I’m glad you’re here, Bro. Jay. You lend some sorely-needed legitimacy to the rest of us yahoos.

  4. I found DJ much the same way that Todd found her. A fan of your day job column and blog that lead to reading Dating Jesus, and loving it! Then attending a reading at the Plainville Library, where I brought the promised cookies!

    I stay because there is a never ending weatlth of new posts and responses. Its my daily, who am I kidding, multiple times a day, break to see what DJ and the gang are thinking.

  5. Sherry,

    If you know where the Plainville Library is then I’d bet my last dollar that you also know where the greatest Buffalo wings are sold this side of Buffalo, New York.

    1. J.Timothy’s! It’s on Cooke Street-if you make it there try the dirt wings. They fry them, coat them in J.Timothy’s Buffalo sauce, then they fry them some more! Out of this world. The have a great beer selection as well. I do not own stock in the restaurant…just a fan.

      1. You won’t be sorry, bring Mr. DJ too-they have other really wonderful menu items as well. Once you try the dirt wings…you’ll be hooked…trust me I am a former altar boy.

        1. I believe you. I’m not even kidding about trying them. I and Mr. DJ fancy ourselves to be wings experts. We’re always willing to go find new favorite wings.

  6. J. Timothy’s!! I’ve been there but skipped the Buffalo wings. I am of English/Scotts heritage and am addicted to a certain level of spice, which is to say,not much! But J. Timothy’s has lots to offer beside the wings. Am I feeling a DJ spicy chicken fest?

    1. Sherry,

      J.Tim’s makes mild wings as well. Ask for drawn butter on the side, dip the mild wing in the butter…you’ll feel like you are in Buffalo, instead of Plainville.

    2. Wouldn’t that be fun? Except we’d have to fly in our friends from elsewhere. I want Vegas and Leftover and Neu and everybody not in CT to be there, too. And Jay. He’s from here, you know.

  7. I found this blog after buying/reading your book. Since then, I’ve purchased other copies for a few friends.

    I agree that Burning Down the House is the BEST SONG EVER! Woo-hoo! I love the whole album “Stop Making Sense” and saw them live during that tour and it was the best concert ever.

    Is this how you dance, dj?

    I like the toast in this clip, too.

    1. Actually, mine is more rhythmic and scary. Or so I’m told. And I don’t turn my feet all funny, I’ll have you know.

            1. Sure, so long as they’re whistling “Dixie” at the same time. I don’t let just any old flying pig dictate my actions.

              1. Whistling or singing “Dixie” is no longer politically correct.

                A high school principal in Mississippi banned the singing of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”
                at sports events because the crowd was substituting “The South shall rise again” for “His truth is marching on.”

                1. Wow. That’s inventive. Does this mean the rebel yell I perfected as a girl is taboo, too? Bet so.

  8. You’re making it tough. One day we’ll have a dj dance party and serve Buffalo wings and BBQ….

  9. Uhhh. Well, I think I heard of your book from Dr. Prescott. Then I started reading it and got all excited and she said we could try to get you to speak here. I think I pledged my undying love to Dr. Prescott and restrained myself from kissing her at that moment. At any rate, she told me you have a blog, so I googled you and here I am. Turns out, she meant your Courant blog. Oh well. Then you came to school and I kind-of pounced on you until you gave me your business card and we’ve been biffles ever since, right? Right?

    1. Yes, we have. But my handing out my business card sounds kind of dweeby to me. Oh, well. I’m a dweeb. I still have the poster you made, biffle. (Lord, I hope I used “biffle” right or I’m going to look even more dweeby.)

  10. Ditto, to Todd and Sherry. DJ’s other blog is fun, but frustrating, as it’s never working very well!
    Been past J.Tim’s, never inside. Gotta check it out! There is a place near UCONN, Storrs that makes great wings as well. I like the Maryland wings, fries, sprinkled with a generous amount of “Old Bay” seasoning. Yum!

      1. Mario,

        Once a year I make it to Houston to see my brother, and his wife, and my two nieces (actually I fly there for a fantasy football league that my two brothers and I play in). One meal that he makes for everybody is fresh (caught that morning) Gulf of Mexico shrimp, cut up red potatoes, cut up corn on the cob, water and beer all poured into a turkey fryer-then he adds Old Bay. The wonderful mess is dumped on a picnic table that has yesterday’s Houston Chronicle on top of it. There’s cold Shiner’s and plenty of food…it’s not pretty, but it’s fun, and very tasty! He calls it a Texas Shrimp Boil Dinner.

  11. Stop it Todd! You’re making me hungry! I have a friend in Maryland that I get together with and smash some crabs. Another friend joined us once, ordered Hamburger, FF’s and a Coke.
    Sounds like a good use for a newspaper! I use the “Courant” for my Parakeet’s cage liner. I read DJ’s stuff on-line!

    1. Wow,

      I do enjoy a burger, FF, and Coke…but when crabs are on the menu…that’s no contest! Mario, have you ever tried Shiner beer? It’s brewed in Texas-very good, very fresh, and a must have while in the Texas heat.

      1. I only have 4 drinks per year. I do enjoy the taste of a good German beer, but I have never heard of that brand. I have a “Cremo Ale” bottle that I found in between a wall during a remodeling job in Wallingford, of all places. Brewed in New Britaiaiaian, Connecticut until 1955.

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