Whether you’re a parent or not:

Are parents to blame if their children are morbidly obese? Are parents guilty of neglect if their children gain too much weight?

Remember this case? A 14-year-0ld South Carolina youth weighed 555 pounds and was put in foster care.

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. We all pass along some things. If his mother is eating disordered she may not even realize it. A good point made in the linked post was how many parents of anorexic children have lost custody?
    I get the feeling this is because we moralize disordered OVEReating in a way we don’t do it with other forms of disordered eating.

      1. Not my fault, and you’re being a mean big sister…are you mean to me because you are a whole half decade older than me? BTW, a whole half decade is one whole presidental term, plus a quarter of the replacement’s term. I am thinking Obama’s one and done…and the first year of President Palin!


        DJ, I’ll bet you a bagel that Palin’s first year approval rating…beat’s the Nobel’s rating.

        1. Todd, you are assuming Palin will become President, are you not? Oh, hell, yes. I’ll bet a bagel you’re wrong. So that kind of leaves the ratings thing by the wayside. And no, I’m not mad that you’re younger. At my advanced age, I figure I can get old or I can drop dead. At this point, old seems a pretty decent alternative.

  2. I think parents are responsible for taking care of their kids. How we define “taking care of” is very much a matter of class. Can the parents afford to take their child to a physician? Can they take time off from work to take their child to a doctor? Can they afford the services of an endocrinologist? Can they afford fresh fruits and vegetables? Do they have time to cook, or are they each working two or three jobs? Is there a market in their neighborhood that has fresh food? Or is the nearest food market three-quarters of an hour away by public transportation? And so it goes… You never see rich people with fat children. Is that because they hide them away? Is it because they have a personal trainer? Is it because they can afford nutritious meals? Will we ever know for sure?

    1. Sharon, you’re right. This may be an issue of poverty more than an issue of neglect. Fat-filled food is also filling and if you don’t have money to buy the fresh stuff, you’ll do what you can.

  3. You don’t like bagels Vegas? I used to live in the midwest too…great cheese, sausage, and pop…very poor bagels. If you tried a Eastcoast bagel, I am certain that you wouldn’t throw up.

      1. I’ll keep my Cincinnati chili, thanks. I’ve been to New York, I don’t even remember the bagels. I do remember the plethora of pastry shops though.
        Mostly I remember the curried goat.

        1. I have yet to have Cincinnati chili and since the topic came up here, I want to, very much. Dunno where I can do that around New England, though.

          1. Oh, it’s simple, come for a visit. I’d ship you some but it’s not the same. There is a restaurant in NY that has Cincinnati nights once a month. Skyline chili, Graeters ice cream and Montgomery Inn BBQ.

          2. I was stuck at the Cincinnati airport for several hours a few years ago, so tried their chili.

            It was great! I didn’t think the combination of chili and spaghetti would work, but it did.

            BTW, the Cincinnati airport is actually in Kentucky.

            1. “I didn’t think the combination of chili and spaghetti would work, but it did.”

              I grew up eating chili that way — don’t know the genesis of that, my mother was from CT but we lived in MO for a few years. It was just … the way we ate chili, with regular spaghetti mixed in. As a side we had buttered Saltines. I have no clue about those either…..

              1. Cynical, one day you and I ARE going to take a road trip to Fred N Red’s Chili Parlor and have their chili on spaghetti with onions and pickles. It’s the best.

            2. That’s where I first tried Cincy Chili as well. A friend from Ohio was always bragging about how good it was, so since I had a short wait between flights I tried some! Good stuff!

    1. I can attest to this. The first time I went to NYC in college, the first thing my friends did was make me buy myself a bagel. I’ve never looked back.

  4. Where I went to college in the Bronx, there was a bagel factory a few blocks down the hill, under the El on Jerome Ave. We bought them by the dozen in a plain brown paper bag. Nothing has ever come close since. The store-baked bagels at Stop & Shop are a distant second.

    I’ve had Cincinnati chili. Make some spaghetti. Open a can of Hormel chili, heat it up and throw it on top. Chop onions, throw on top. Grate some longhorn cheddar, throw on top. There’s a third topping, but I can’t remember. I didn’t find anything notable about the chili itself, except how mild it is.

    1. Oh Sharon, Sharon, Sharon *shaking head*
      Hormel is nothing like Cincinnati chili. Cincinnati chili is very thin, no beans, it has only the slightest kick to it. It’s sweet, with chocolate being a long-suspected secret ingredient. Maybe some cinnamon and/or nutmeg. Regular chili over pasta is just chili mac, you can get that at any steak and shake.
      Serving it over spaghetti with a huge pile of Skyline’s soft, mild cheddar makes it a 3-way, with beans or onions it’s a 4-way, with both it’s a 5-way. The chili is also served on small hot dogs with mustard , onions and more of that cheese for a cheese coney.
      When I first tried it I was appalled that people called it chili. I grew up with a chunky, spicy chili. It’s like calling chicken broth a stew! But it grew on me, by the 3rd attempt I was hooked.

      1. I hear a throw-down here…Why doesn’t everyone come to my house and we’ll have a chili-off. I’m having a holiday party this Saturday and have about decided to have hillbilly chili. It’s no great shakes, but I like it.

      2. How weird! I was driving home from work and called my wife to ask what’s for dinner. She said that she had some left-over chili, so I asked her to add a dash of coriander, all-spice, oregano, cinnamon, a dash of wine vinegar, some ground cloves and Mace to the chili. Cook up some ‘spagetti, and serve the chili over the pasta with onions and cheese! I make a mean pot of Cincy chili, thou I haven’t made it in a while.

  5. Vegas, my aunt would never have allowed me to call anything with cinnamon or nutmeg by the name of “chili.” I suspect a good dose of ketchup goes into it, too.

  6. “Cincinnati “Skyline” Chili recipe”

    That’s it! Thanks, Jac. I’ll make it next week. This might become my new Christmas Eve tradition.

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