Well, this is a novel way to deal with a sex abuse scandal

An Irish bishop resigned after an investigation into accusations that he ignored reports of sexual abuse among children under his care.

Said Bishop Donal Murray:

I know full well that my resignation cannot undo the pain that survivors of abuse have suffered in the past and continue to suffer each day. I humbly apologize once again to all who were abused as little children.

Oddly, here in Connecticut, our Catholic church officials handle things differently.

And thanks, Bro. Jay, for the link.

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. Nothing can top Bishop Egan’s cavalier dismissal of the whole sordid business.

    “Bishop Egan was at his most combative when voicing his belief in the innocence of most accused priests, including one, the Rev. Raymond Pcolka, who was accused by 12 former parishioners of abuses involving oral and anal sex and beatings.

    “I am not aware of those things,” said the bishop. “I am aware of the claims of those things, the allegations of those things. I am aware that there are a number of people who know one another, some are related to one another, have the same lawyers and so forth.””


    ” “Bishop Egan, the fact that 19 individuals have come forward and made claims,” Ms. Robinson asked about Father Pcolka’s case. “You don’t consider that to be a significant number of individuals?”

    The bishop waited while his lawyer quibbled over the number 19, then answered that considering there were 360,911 registered Catholics in the diocese, “I do not consider that a significant segment or factor.”

    “Would you agree with me, Bishop Egan,” the lawyer pressed, “that if one person, one individual, has been affected by the sexual abuse of a clergy member, when that person was a child, that that’s far too much to accept in any diocese?”

    “It would not be a significant portion of the diocese,” he replied. “Your question was ‘a significant portion of the diocese.’ ””

  2. Yes, another reason why I left the Church…
    “You’re suppose to stand for something, you’re suppose to protect people, but instead you rape and murder them!”

  3. I don’t know how Catholic parishioners can put up with this. How can they continue to support a church that allows this? …that uses their donations as hush money? How can they continue to look to these men as their religious and moral leaders? I love my Catholic family members and friends, but I’d like to ask them to “wake up” at some point and look at what they allow out of their complacency.

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