Did you ever want to tell someone to shut up?

But do so in such a way that it looks fairly decorous? It’s not quite the same thing, but on Thursday, in a bit of parliamentary procedure, Sen. Al Franken did not allow Sen. Joe  Lieberman a few moments to finish his thought, and then Sen. John McCain spoke up for him.

Whew. Big fun.

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. Franken has quickly become one of my favorite politicians in the time he’s been in office.

    Nothing wrong with what he did there, the 10 minutes were up.

  2. Love Stuart Smalley. And Stuart would know how to set good boundaries! Like when your 10 minutes is up, they are up no matter who you think you are.

    1. I liked that Sen. Franken told Sen. Lieberman not to take it personally. I actually thought that was kind of sweet.

  3. Just out of curiosity, what’s the percentage of times when extra minutes are allowed? Is it a small number? A large one?

    1. Good question. Sen. Franken had been told — as all new senators are told when they preside like this — to hold everyone strictly to the schedule and he did that. I guess it’s not that unusual a thing, but it sure was fun to watch…

  4. “I guess it’s not that unusual a thing, but it sure was fun to watch…”

    Yeah, it didn’t look as if it were hurting him much. And of course (she said, as if she knew) Joe just ASSUMED he’d get what he wanted because he always does! Mostly. Sometimes.

    1. It looked that way to me, but that might be because I wanted him to feel it, just a bit, a big fat “no.”

    1. Many of Droopy’s speeches sound that way, like he’s just filling in space. Bless his heart.

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