Ladies? Are you miserable?

vBecause it’s all over the media that you are.

And it’s confusing to me, because when I sit quietly and examine all the tears and fraying of the fabric of my life, I’m still pretty stinkin’ happy.

What’s wrong with me?

Wait. Don’t answer that. I’m tender-hearted and might burst into tears. That, or I will drive to your house and let the air out of your tires, one. If you’re so inclined, though, read this, and tell me if you think the secret to happiness is to stop juggling and start outsourcing. Because I have a problem with outsourcing and instead of juggling, I just go ahead and drop the ball.

You? And men, is this at all an issue for you? Because if it isn’t, it is in my egalitarian self-interest to let the whole matter drop.

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. I guess that if I have any disatisfaction with my life or a lower than average happiness quotient now and then I’d blame whoever tried to tell me that I was a “W-O-M-A-N who could bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan” Sometimes I need somebody else to heat up the fry pan for me!! I’m learning to outsource that.

    I also am currently feeling a real care-giver pinch with my mother who has Alzheimer’s. No one can feel really happy doing that. But such is life!

    1. Does your mother live near you? Is she still on her own? We went through something similar with my mother-in-law, though they never specifically said it was Alzheimer’s. My thoughts are with you. That is not an easy road.

  2. Mom’s 45 minutes away and still living on her own. Should she be alone? That is the big question. She is adament to be in her house with her dog and I really understand that but.. Its hard to see her deterioration and not jump in to save the day. I’m learning to accept that we all don’t need to know what day it is.

    1. That’s the hardest thing, I think. The family (my husband’s) did heroic things to allow my mother-in-law as much independence as she could take for as long as she could take it. And then there came a time when she really needed more help than the family could give her, even though my sisters-in-law did amazing things to forestall that. It’s just damn hard.

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