The recession is cutting back on our Halloween spending…

But it’s still the second-highest-(after Christmas)grossing commercial holiday — and click on the link to learn other fun facts you may not know about today. There is a house not far from mine that has every inch covered with those blow-up Halloween figures, including an eight-foot jack-o-lantern. To be honest, it’s not very scary, but I bet the various figures cost a few paychecks.

So. What are you going as for trick-or-treating? I always do the old reliable Undead. I have the clothes and make-up already. Except we’re in a new neighborhood and I’m not sure if any one’s going to come by to help me eat these Snickers….

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. “and I’m not sure if any one’s going to come by to help me eat these Snickers….”

    Ooo, are they gone yet? I just got home from a seminar, so no trick or treating for me.

      1. Sigh, no, no Thuperman. I’ll probably get to see pics on Monday. Now where did you put the candy?

        1. Mostly? Down my gullet. The rest I wandered down the street to hand out. I delivered the candy to some very happy kids who couldn’t understand why I wasn’t behind a door. And I just told my son to send me pictures of his own Thupermen and Thuperwomen.

  2. Stay around for the Christmas decorations.

    There’s a run-down old house not far from my home. They have the most godawful inflatable figures–dozens of Santas, elves, nutcracker soldiers, etc. The whole house and yard are covered with them. Surely it will win any prize for Tacky Christmas Decoratons.

    1. On my way home, I passed a house all decked out for Hallowe’en, with a yard and house FULL of lights, skulls, skeletons, pumpkins, what have you. People were pulling over to photo it, and slowing down in traffic to gawk at it.

      1. I should probably get over my judgmental-ness on this, I guess. I have to admit that last week I drove by this particular house in my neighborhood and took a photo, too.

    2. And though I am a huge supporter of “tacky,” I really want to take a knife to those blow-up creations, no matter the season. This one yard you can’t even see the house for all the Halloween characters.

  3. My friend and I took the kids trick-or-treating around my neighborhood. My husband stayed home with the baby and handed out treats. He hates doing it but I leave him good and threatened. I do not want to be that house that doesn’t pass out candy!

    1. That’s why I wandered out into the streets to hand out my candy. And when I walked back down my (dead-end) street, only two of the 10 or so houses I saw had their lights on. Of course no one would walk down here. Why would they? You go where you can get the most candy bang for your candy walk. I feel like having a firm talking-to to my neighbors, but then, I’m a renter and a short-timer and now I know precisely what neighborhood I want to live in around here. Three blocks up, where the kids turned the street into a mini-Mardi Gras.

      1. When my kids are too old to be escorted on their candy quest I hope to be like my uncle and hand out full size candy bars.
        Our streets are like yours and I actually felt bad for the lone houses at the end of the cul-de-sacs with their lights on. Our neighborhood’s not the best for trick or treating but I like seeing our neighbors. A local pastor notorious for blunt speak told the congregation that the Saturday night 6:30 service would be canceled so that everyone could go out and meet their neighbors. He said that if you think Halloween’s bad, “get over it” and go outside and meet your neighbors.
        We love this pastor when we agree with him but we don’t go to his church because when you don’t agree with him he sounds egotistical and pushy. But I like his take on Halloween.

        1. Too bad. I like his take, too. Halloween is a great time to get to know everyone. I talked to three families I otherwise would never have met!

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