Men? Time to take one for the team.

So says Katha Pollitt, at Common Dreams. In regard to the Stupak-Pitts amendment and the need for those uppity women to be willing to compromise on their reproductive rights for the sake of health care reform, Pollitt writes:

For example, budget hawks in Congress say they’ll vote against the bill because it’s too expensive. Maybe you could win them over if you volunteered to cut out funding for male-exclusive stuff, like prostate cancer, Viagra, male infertility, vasectomies, growth-hormone shots for short little boys, long-term care for macho guys who won’t wear motorcycle helmets and, I dunno, psychotherapy for pedophile priests. Men could always pay in advance for an insurance policy rider, as women are blithely told they can do if Stupak becomes part of the final bill.

Barack Obama, too, worries about the deficit. Maybe you could help him out by sacrificing your denomination’s tax exemption. The Catholic church would be a good place to start, and it wouldn’t even be unfair, since the blatant politicking of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops on abortion violates the spirit of the ban on electoral meddling by tax-exempt religious institutions.

Compromise really isn’t so difficult, then, is it? Just turn your head and cough. I say that with love.

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. Why not? Congress and Obama are giving everything else away. If you can get the insurance companies on board, it will be a done deal….guaranteed. Once on that slow and steady glide path of compromise and capitulation, everybody’s got to chip in their fair share. It’s the Mandate. Right?
    Or….we could just…
    Kill the Bill.
    Fight for Single Payer; and end to discrimination in all its forms….Justice.

  2. You got to the heart of it in those two paragraphs. There are so many thing that our government spends our precious resources on–time, money, and people–that I disagree with. What part of “democratic republic” are people not understanding? And it’s not just abortion–as if any woman ever *plans* to have one–contraception is excluded as well, as I understand it. The Catholic Church sure has come along way in the last 40+ years. John Kennedy had to distance himself from the Vatican, and now the Vatican is deciding how the U.S. Congress will spend our money. How come the Vatican doesn’t respond to unjust wars so quickly and so forcefully? How come no bishop threatened to excommunicate any congressman who voted for war? Huh? HUH? Answer me that!

  3. “How come no bishop threatened to excommunicate any congressman who voted for war? Huh? HUH? Answer me that!”

    Why, because we’re fighting GOD’S fight, don’t you see? We’re fighting against all them godless (their god’s not the real god, OURS is) infidels who hate us because …. well, because ….

    1. Ever notice how the conversation must trail off right about there? Because…because, well, just because, goddammit.

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