O.K., class. Define “feminist masculinity.”

vCourtney E. Martin at The American Prospect explores what that means. It’s not as easy to define as you might think. Young progressive men (and women) know the kind of masculinity they don’t want (are you listening, Tucker Max?) but:

Is there such a thing? Does it look like President Barack Obama — or does his insistence on talking about sports and drinking beers reveal that he’s just one of the guys? Does it look like KRS-1, the veteran rapper who recently said that hip-hop needs more women — or is his statement too little, too late? Stephen Colbert, in some ways, is the closest thing we’ve got. He consistently lampoons misogynist punditry and policy, yet his “feminist masculinity” is only visible vis-à-vis its blowhard foil.

So, off the top of your head: What does a feminist man look like?

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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      1. “…nothing that chokes me up like male feminist fathers of daughters.”

        And male feminist father of sons, for whom the father sets a great example and makes sure the boys understand.

      2. Because WordPress bites down on it, not sure to whom this is addressed. I don’t have daughters but I believe my own father, in his own way, was a bit of a feminist. He tried to coddle me a little when I was young (this is my birth father, not my step) until I told him to stop and then I think he was a little bit relieved. He helped me to find my way BIG time and he wasn’t even around.

      3. Being raised by an anti-feminist father I just feel particularly appreciative of feminist fathers of daughters. Because I can’t imagine what a beautiful thing it is. But of course raising boys to be feminists is just as freaking awesome.

        1. I will always be grateful to my father, though he’d have been loathe — I think — to call himself a feminist. He was more of a Victorian gentleman when it came to women, but with his own daughter, he wanted what was fair.

  1. I didn’t grow up with any feminist men, though my dad was close (he wasn’t afraid to be sensitive and share his feelings, but still has sexist views on me, marriage, kids etc).

    A feminist man is sensitive.

    A feminist man is open to other standards of beauty apart from the one he was raised with (though I think this will be the hardest to come by).

    A feminist man supports media that portrays women in equality to men, and if not, can observe misogynistic media and critique it (I’ve come across some jerks who love my favorite show Mad Men [which is set in the early 60s] for the misogyny, but I also have male friends that frown upon it, hope it isn’t happening in the workplace today and admire Peggy for her bravery).

    I can’t think of much else, but I know much about what a feminist man should not look like, lol.

    1. That’s not a definition. Please try again. (I tried to type that in a school marm tone but not sure I accomplished that.)

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