All right-y, heathens

It’s Friday night and at one point in my life, that meant something.

Tonight, it means a trip to the grocery store and maybe a stop-off at the hamburger place down the street for a huge, honking plate of fries. (This really happened: I went through a Taco Bell drive-through for lunch today, and the woman there said, “Haven’t seen you in a while!” and my first reaction was pleasant because hey! I just moved here and the Taco Bell drive-through lady already recognizes my face! but then I realized she hadn’t seen me in a while because I stop off at Taco Bell on my way home from the gym and I haven’t been to the gym in a while, so…)

(Bill Clinton and I, in addition to being cross-cultural, use exercise as an excuse to eat crap. And we hope you do, too.)

But more to the point: You? How are you spending this Friday night, and don’t lie.

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. I’m in the car & almost in Cambridge (here for the weekend) and will soon find dinner somewhere. This is more exciting than most of my Friday nights.

      1. I’ve got a little photo to share once I return. It’s a beautiful day for a walk around Harvard Square.

      2. Just so you can live vicariously…we went shopping in Quincy market, stopped for an italian pastry, saw the giant Christmas tree and now we’re off to a dance show. AND we got a free upgrade to a suite! It’s been a good day.

        1. Thank does not sound like my day at all, so thank you. i wish I had your day and you had a better one!

      3. I saw a damn good dancin’ show – urban, hip-hop, krumping, popping,fusion, sexy and awesome. Can you imagine it? On top of it, it raised money for the Cambridge Women’s Center (I wish we had one of those in my home area -just what I’ve been looking for) and YouthAIDS.

        1. Man. Your weekend was FAR more entertaining than mine has been, so far. But then, the day is young. Rock on, Jac!

          1. My weekend isn’t nearly as exciting as my kids’ weekend which includes workshops on Time Traavel, diophantine equations, nuclear reactor walkthru, fractional calculus, zombie denfense, David Blaine card tricks,Molecules that will kill you, casino gambling, B’hai (sp?) faith, socionics, criminal justice, relativity & electricity & maganism.,bacterial photography..
            Based on their selections, its hard to predict what they’ll be when they grow up

                    1. My cry is and will always be: Make enough money so that you can buy your mother a red ’68 Mustang convertible. That is my song. That is my prayer.

                    2. I don’t know who that’s addressed to, Jac, but if it’s me, done! And you can even drive every other time and I will ride shotgun.

                    3. Yes, it’s addressed to you and your red ’68 Mustang convertible that’ll come your way at some point! Woo-hoo!

        1. There are a few classes I want to take at a college near here, but I’m waiting for my financial ship to come in.

  2. I’m retired — EVERY night is Friday night. Still, it’s FRIDAY night, and I’m doing nothing more exciting than trying to clean up some of my ridiculous mess. And I don’t even have any popcorn.

      1. For some reason I can’t connect with the Wild Bill/Olbermann story — but can get all the other links. ??

      1. Well what am I doing in school is a valid question too at my advanced age.

        I’m getting my master’s degree in Elementary Education. I just has a teacher observe me in her class teaching and she gave me a perfect score! My classmates liked my lesson plan on MONKEYS! too.

        1. YEH CAROL!!!! There’s no such thing as “advanced age” when it comes to school, sez I.

      1. We got together based on geography during our church’s last big push to get everyone into small groups. It’s an interesting bunch for sure. It’s been good for us and it only took me six years to convince my husband it would be good for him. Actually, it took a new minister who is very introverted saying that he makes himself do these things.

        1. Just six years? That’s an eye-lash bat in Real Time. But it sounds like a good group. And I’ve often found that when I push myself to go somewhere, I have a better time than I expected.

  3. I actually did go to the gym–Planet Fitness, the no judgement zone (I wanted so bad to correct their spelling). I need to walk every day, and it just wasn’t happening with the darkness in the morning and the darkness by the time I get home. So I signed up for the $10/month plan and hit the treadmill for an hour.

    And now I’m at home, thinking about how maybe I should have stretched after the treadmill, and what I have to buy for Thursday’s meal.

  4. I watched the Michigan State basketball game with my 14 year old son. We had homemade tacos, then he had a late basketball practice. I picked up a new oven mit at Wal-Mart and watched the last hour of my son’s practice. I don’t think the coach was happy that I was there…he gave me the kind of look you get when you walk into church five to ten minutes late… got home by quarter to ten, and my 14 year old eating machine finished the rest of the tacos, and had two ice cream cones.

    1. I believe with all of my heart that 14-year-olds have hollow legs. At least, the boys do. We had one who would go to a restaurant and order two entrees. And eat them both. And all but lick the plate. Nice Friday you had there.

    2. Susan,

      I can totally relate to the 14 yr old wanting and eating two entrees. My Robbie does the same, but he also will order an appetizer…when the waitress asks him soup or salad…he’ll say “Both!” I remember when my sons were younger and I could get a large pizza and it would be more than enough for the three of us…now if bring home a pizza, my son will look at me and “did you get anything for yourself Dad?” The really funny thing about my eating machine is that there’s not an ounce of fat on him! If he didn’t have the same last name as me…I’d probably really hate him. :)

      1. The same went for our own Eating Machine. He never had an ounce of fat on him — ever — and he could put it away like crazy. He’s still a healthy eater, but I think he’s cut back to one entree these days.

  5. I went to the vigil at the capitol for the Transgender Day of Remembrance, then had a really, ridiculously outstanding music jam with my mnusic buds.

    1. Oops. I guess that’s my Saturday night. Same difference, I guess. I went out last night and played ping pong, though!

  6. My Star Trek souvenirs were my retirement strategy. But I waited too long. Thanks to eBay, the availability of these things rose, and the prices necessarily dropped. I gave most of it away when I moved.

    1. I just bought two lottery tickets, gave one to Mr. DJ and told him if he won, I got half. That is my retirement plan.

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