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    1. Good point. I forgot to blame Sarah Palin in this. I can’t imagine not being able to get volunteers to do this.

  1. A VERY funny comment followed the story:

    “I can picture it now. Little Susie gets a letter back from Santa which reads: Request for urgent response for gifting relationship! Hello. I am Parliment member Chiedu Boglo of the North Poal , and I must solicit your strictest confidense in this transaction. I have am in possesion of the gifts which were left to you after an unfortunate death of your friend, Satna Claus in a mudslide. In order to process your gifts left in his will, I am requiring you to send an advance depsoit to cover shipping of the reindear to show up to deliver them. Please obtain a credit card and call me at…..”

  2. Father Christmas is showing up at the Yule party. I can give your list to him. Of course he also has coal and switches…


    I send an Email to Santa every year
    and he answers me! I’m asking for affordable health care for everyone, a closed Guantanamo, all our soldiers home, a reform in the banking industry and some socks!

  4. I didn’t even know you could send a letter to Santa. No wonder I haven’t gotten what I’ve wanted all these years.

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