We were discussing pregnancy, and how one might limit one’s physical activities…

…right here.

And then last night, I went to listen to surf music (The Clams and North Shore Troubadors) complete with go-go girls (or “women,” if we’re going to be all correct about it) of all ages and sizes who added immeasurably to the evening’s entertainment. (A few in the audience got up and joined them. I mostly just sat and chair-boogied, but I did so with feeling.)

Come to find out — and forgive the lighting and the blurring — the young tattooed lovely on the right is six months pregnant. And she was swinging it from the right to the left, also with feeling.

Anyway. I thought it was good timing in our ongoing discussion. I don’t think pregnant women should push themselves any farther than they feel they can, but I also don’t think pregnant women should limit themselves, either. It’s personal choice, I guess.

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. Dancing would be good for a pregnant woman, unless it’s the “Dancing with the Stars” over-the-top style. You get to control how energetic you want to be.

  2. Exactly, Jac. I danced like a maniac when I was pregnant (at one party until the host asked me to stop because he didn’t want me to have my son at his house.) But dancing is way different than a competitive team sport.

    1. Funny, I’ve been asked to step off the dance floor but not when I was pregnant. Mostly, I’m a crappy dancer.

      1. So you can’t dance…you write wonderfully, and you have great timing when you tell your funny stories. Dancing well is over-rated.

        1. But wouldn’t you think timing in story-telling would translate to dancing? It doesn’t.

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