And now, for your viewing enjoyment:

Cads of 2009!

Are we leaving anyone out? And it’s wickedly hard to pick John Edwards or Tiger Woods for Supreme Cad, isn’t it? All have sinned and fallen short, right?

And is it only fair that we compile a list of badly-behaved women from 2009? Or can we come up with 10 badly behaved women to match the men? And if we can’t, is there a bigger lesson here? Not saying there is…I’m just spitballin’ here…

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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            1. I’m trying to remember, say, a woman in politics who was brought down because she cheated on her spouse. I mean, the woman was the elected or appointed official. Had to have happened at least once…I just looked up the number of women in the House and Senate — roughly 17 percent in both chambers. So the numbers are smaller…there’s that…

              1. We’ve talked about women in this context a little, at some point. I think men still have the advantage in the being-bad area — when THEY do it, they’re bad, but it’s like “oh you rogue you, you’ve still got it, you old dog.” A woman, especially a wife / mother, would not fare so well — I think she’d be painted as a whore, and not somebody who got away with something, and that she’d suffer more in terms of public opinion.

                I think too that women would be more likely, if they WERE to stray, to stray with someone who’s more in their age- and class-range, and who might have at least as much to lose if the transgressions became public.

  1. I f cad is defined as:
    a man who behaves dishonorably, esp. toward a woman….
    what term would be used for a woman exhibiting equally dishonorable behavior?
    And no…..I don’t have any suggestions……….

    1. That’s a good one. I’m exploring this for a short blog entry at my day job. I refuse to consider some derivative of cad like “cadette.” It has to be something where the person doing the name-calling sounds at least a little appreciative.

      1. I was a little surprised to see the term “cad” being used. It’s pretty old school.
        I can remember when being a cad meant having a certain kind of allure…
        like “rake” or “rakish”….
        …the “bad boy” image….
        Fedoras tilted to the side….
        Collars worn up…..
        Cigarrettes rolled up in t-shirt sleeves….
        Motorcycle jackets….
        I thought that these days people who acted like Letterman and Woods were called assholes….
        Usually in the “consummate” or “complete” range of assholes….if I remember my Index correctly…
        …although Letterman would get a slight mitigation bringing him back to the “foolish” or “ignorant” range…they’re still just assholes, in the end……so to speak….

        1. That’s true. “Cad” is kind of like a player (playah), which in some people’s eyes is something kind of cool. Asshole works for me, as I’m sure it works for their partners. Unless their partner is Jenny Sanford and she probably wouldn’t say “asshole” if she had one in her mouth.

          You’re welcome. A nasty-nasty visual this early in the day.

            1. Well, the revolution starts here. How can we come up with a word (any one know Latin?) that gives a verbal-wink rather than a verbal-slap to women who have sex outside the marital bonds?

              1. Sorry. I took Latin I in Bloomfield High School more than half a century ago. About all I can remember now is “amo, amas, amat.”

                1. And Mrs. Finkley would be so proud.

                  Actually, I don’t know the name of your Latin teacher, but rock on!

  2. How about vixen?

    While at the mall I heard a couple of young girls use the word “chickenheads” towards another girl… I don’t think they meant as a compliment.

      1. What is it, though? Unless you think we’re too precious to know. I’m looking for new names to call my friends.

        1. Thank you. I even went online to all my favorite websites and couldn’t find it. So I probably won’t be calling my friends this.

            1. That’s been a pretty good source for me, too. I’m just saddened that I didn’t come up with the definition, myself.

  3. Just think of the revulsion engendered by “cougar.” It’s disgusting for an older woman to be involved with a younger man, but it’s cool and hip and “yeah, man, MY equipment still works, you betcha!” when an older man is involved with a younger woman.

    1. Good point. I truly hate the word “cougar.” It implies so many wrong and stupid things.

    2. I think Cougar is becoming more acceptable. Cougar Town and Desperate Housewives really are creating a more level playing field. I only wish it had gone the other way. I’m not sure it should be more acceptable for women instead of just less acceptable for men.

      1. The thing is, I know couples who DON’T fit the “norm” for age-pairings. And if the pairing is based on something good, not something like showing off or control or predation, then oh well. I have a friend in her mid-fifties who’s with a man in his mid-thirties. They’ve been together for SEVERAL years now, own a house together, travel together. At one point, way back, she said “we need to split. You should be with someone your own age and have a family.” So they split, and were miserable, and got back together. I’m sure there are pairings the other way as well, older man younger woman, where the playing field is level. Of course you do have to think about advanced age for one and late middle age for the other, but there are no guarantees of the younger one outliving the older one.

      2. I have a friend who is in her 20s married to a man in his 40s. They have two lovely children together. The age difference never occurred to me until she brought it up. Her story makes me squirm but that’s my own issues. I know it’s my own issues because it would never occur to me that they shouldn’t be together.
        My MIL knows another couple in a similar situation. Both men spent time in jail for being with these younger women but they went on to get married and have a lovely family, active in church etc. No hint of “wrongness” about it.
        It happens. But then, pedophilia happens too and it happens A LOT. So I think it’s only natural to be wary of these things.
        When I say that I think things should have gone the other way I only mean in the cheating, upgrading to a younger model, way.

        1. I got that. If we could all stop looking at this as play or entertainment, I’m all for it. I guess I feel for Tiger Woods because I’m not sure he signed on to be my moral arbiter and I’m not sure I want him for that.

      3. “And I don’t want a young playmate. Whatever would we talk about?”

        Um — talk?

        1. I am of the opinion that after the sex act, one must have a conversation. It’s in the rules.

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