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  1. Thank you!

    While I’m not an all-out vintage girl and far from girly, I’ve come to find pieces from that era fit me better than stuff today. I have an incredibly high waist, and vintage-inspired dresses (especially the full-skirted ones) highlight that. So far, I own one, but I love to look at others.

    About the race thing, I was glad to grow up in a family that took lots of pictures. My grandmother and mom (and aunts) looked smashing in their clothing. I have pics of my dad all skinny, with a fro and bell bottoms (he was skinnier than I’d ever be). So while, yes, this was during and after Nigeria’s colonial era, my family still learned to smile and have good times.

    Those times were oppressive, I won’t deny it. But then, when I see links like this: it’s like a silver lining under the clouds of those days.

  2. Neu, when you write your book you MUST include the word NEU in your name or the title or SOMEWHERE so all of us will know it’s you!

      1. Yes, I noticed the German for “new” right away.

        So, let’s try a NEU outlook on life! The German word is weltanschuaang. (It’s been a long time since I used that word, so that may not be the correct spelling.)

      2. The book you’re going to write in a few years because you live / have lived a fascinating life. Got the German word, but it didn’t make any particular sense (not that it had to) — now we know your initials.

      3. I knew that! I neu that! Get it? I remember “aber” is “but,” aber why I would remember that is anybody’s guess.

  3. See? There’s a groundswell already, and you didn’t even know you were going to write a book. Just stick with us, we’ll give you all kinds of guidance. Oh yes, much better guidance than anybody ever gave US.

  4. So Neu, when you become rich and famous and recipient of fabulous awards, don’t forget us little people, the ones who believed you and supported you and made you the author you are today! (That’s a part of your future acceptance speech, of course.)

      1. “…but be sure to say all our names into the mic, OK?”

        …and say something nice about EACH of us.

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