A quiz! (We LOVE quizzes!)

Are you Santa or Scrooge? From Beliefnet.

I am “Ho! Ho! Hum!” I have to say, in my defense, that some of the questions didn’t have answers that suited me. But yeah. I’m not much of a caroler and I doubt I’d bake cookies to hand out to kids who come by to see the neighbor’s big light display — but I wouldn’t grumble, either.


Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. Ho Ho Hum too, I find the whoop de do to be hard to deal with. One of my best adult Christmases was a year we had a blizzard and no one could come to our house! We host both sides of the family and some years its a mad house. That year it was just my husband, son and me. We had a big breakfast, kicked in the 4-wheel drive and went to the movies and ate at a Chinese restaurant for supper. Everyone came the next day but it seemed easier and the three of us had a really good day.

    I think for me its the unfulfilled expectation of the day that always hits me. My family is wonderful but I always feel sort of put upon as I do 90% of the work and am exhasted by the end of the day, usually before!

    I don’t like feeling that bah humbug feeling but it does creep in on me!!

    1. I think that would annoy me, as well. I usually pitch in but I’m rarely the host as the work schedule of my firefighter husband makes it iffy every year whether he’ll be home. I regret that now in my dotage. We pinned no traditions down, which mean we have few traditions.

      1. I didn’t know that Mr. DJ is a firefighter, does he enjoy the Denis Leary show “Rescue Me?” I have two friends who are firefighters and they love that show. Leary is one of the funniest people I’ve ever seen, and he’s a pretty good actor as well.

        1. I don’t want to brag, but Mr. DJ, who acts part-time, has actually been an extra on “Rescue Me.” He loves the show. I knew Denis Leary’s wife’s old roommate back in Boston (a friend was dating her). I knew him before he was an actor. But I don’t know him. I saw him on Block Island and asked if he was who he is (before he hit it big) and he looked realllly wary and said, “I could be,” and I told him I appreciated his work. And I scampered off feeling like a dork. But I so admire his charity work, BIG time. He was doing good stuff before the Worcester fire.

  2. I have a few traditions I’ll gladly send you! Honestly I have the best orange coffee cake that I only make on Christmas morning. It was born out of the need to so something with the orange that Santa always puts in the toe of our son’s stocking.

    Two tubes of Pillsbury biscuits (the kind that pop open when you whack them)

    Grated rind of one large orange

    1/3 cup of sugar

    1/3 cup of melted margarine

    Mix the orange rind and sugar together and shake it up.

    Dip each biscuit in melted butter and then in sugar and orange. tap off the excess

    Set them on their sides in a tube or bundt pan to make a ring.

    Bake for about 18 minutes at 375degrees

    You may need to shield it with foil if it starts to get too dark before the middle is set.

    Its really good!!!

        1. Breadsticks work really good. Melt as much butter as you can stand in a round cake pan. Mix in nuts and brown sugar right in the cake pan. Unroll the breadsticks and put them in lil’ circles in the cake pan. Bake ’til brown.

    1. LOVE this. Thank you. I do a cinnamon roll with frozen bread sticks, but this sounds marvelous.

    2. Thanks, Sherry. I think I’ll try this.

      I was a Ho, Ho Hum as well.
      Back to working on Christmas cards…it’s such a chore – Bah Humbug! (Is that how you spell that?)

      1. Lucky you! And lucky for the recipients, too! We always do a photo card of the kids. I usually write something, too, but I’m without inspiration this year. There’s no message or funny poem this time…just stuffing and sticking on the stamps and labels. It’s all so mechanical and doesn’t seem right…for some reason.

      2. “On their recent visit home, I had the grands make my cards for me.”

        You have all of our addresses, right?

          1. I think my dog must have eaten it.

            I loved the poem I wrote one year. I’ll try to dig it out and post it unless my memory of it is better than the real thing.

            1. Jac’s Christmas poem from 11 years ago when my teenagers were little ones:

              T’was twenty days before Christmas,
              When all through the Caravan,
              Our family was stirring inside as the car ran.
              We were all buckled safely in our seats,
              Heading to Yankee Candle for sightseeing and treats.
              The Christmas tunes were ringing from the car radio,
              As the car sped down the road, driven by old Daddy-o!
              The children had visions of Santa in their heads,
              While Mama wished for a nap in the car instead.
              The hustle and bustle of the Holidays was here,
              But today would be different – A day of Christmass Cheer.
              Laundry at home was piled up high,
              Stacked presents to be wrapped almost reached the sky.
              But none of that today, we were out to have fun,
              Enjoying each other until the day was done.
              We hoped to remember to often enjoy,
              These special days with our little girl and little boy.
              Their happy faces were beaming today,
              Because we weren’t busy, just enjoying the day!

                  1. And pick up my room? Rats. Nobody calls me honey. Well, my dad did, but he’s gone. Thank you for that.

                    1. I think it’s one of those subtle ways a parent can work in a little “I love you” into regular sentenances.

                      Now, is that room cleaned yet?….honey

                    2. The room is cleaned, Mom, and thank you. Yeah. When a kid won’t sit still for the three words, you can compress them into one.

              1. Jac,

                You are awesome…I moved my oldest son (Josh, 18) into his college dorm this past Sept, and my “baby” (Robbie 14 is now an eighth grader…I am too young for my baby to be that old)…but your poem hit home with me.

                Merry Christmas Jac!

                1. Thanks, Todd. Merry Christmas to you!

                  I get sad on a regular basis just thinking about my son moving out next fall. Missing moments with my kids saddens me the most as I go back to school. I’ll have to work much harder at carving out family time.

                  1. Carving out family time does get harder and more challenging. I miss the days when I could just plop everyone in the back seat and have family time that way.

  3. I have not missed a single episode of “Rescue Me” what show was your husband on? What role did he play?

    Leary saying “I could be” sounds so much like him. If you are looking for an awesome stocking stuffer gift for your husband buy him a copy of Leary’s “No Cure For Cancer.” It’s his stand-up act and you will howl I promise you. I mentioned this before either here, or on Fear, itself…my favorite Christmas movie is “The Ref” Leary breaks into to Kevin Spacey’s home…out of this world funny.

    1. We are way ahead on the Denis Leary stuff. And I don’t remember the show or its number, but there was Mr. DJ walking right in front of Denis Leary, between Denis Leary and the camera, even. We have a still of it.

      1. A few years ago my mother and father bid on a St. Jude’s telethon prize, and my father’s bid won. He won a walk on role for Brian De Palma’s “The Black Dalhia.” He had to fly to CA, and pay all of his own expenses-but he loved it. He did such a good job of not bothering Hillary Swank that they offered him two other walk on parts. If you ever see the movie my dad plays a lawyer walking down the steps of a courthouse, an ice cream vendor in the park, and a guy walking on the sidewalk. He still has his Screen Actors Guild card.

    1. It’s very well-written, and the characters will grab you. A very good way to spend an hour.

    2. If you see a very Irish looking guy, blue eyes, large and lovely nose? That’s Mr. DJ. You have to watch very carefully, though. He’s one of the paramedics passing through the scene, but we had a big ol’ party celebrating. My plan is for Mr. DJ to hit it big with this acting gig, and then I can retire into the life to which I want to become accustomed.

  4. check this out!!!
    1. Say ur name 10x
    2. Say ur mom’s name 5x
    3. Say ur crushes name 3x
    4. then paste this to 4 other quizs, if you do this your crush will kiss you on the nearest friday! But if you read this and did not paste this, then you will have very bad luck

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