Can you call it a sex tape if you film yourself by yourself?

On a tour to promote her book, “Still Standing,” beauty queen/motivational speaker/gift to bloggers everywhere Carrie Prejean says people can call it what they want, but the video that has people buzzing included her and only her, and was made when she was a teenager for her boyfriend at the time. She trusted him, she said.

Lesson for us all? Don’t trust old boyfriends not to share single-sex tapes.

Hey! I made a funny! Get it? And here she is on Larry King

Oh, Sister Carrie. Bless your confused lil’ heart.

Published by datingjesus

Just another one of God's children.

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  1. All one can really do is sing, sing out loud:
    (if you don’t know the song, it is short, wait for the last couple verses.)
    (and for god’s sake, if you are going to sing along, get the words right…I hate people who get the words wrong.)

    1. This is a song that is near enough to your heart that you hate people who don’t sing it correctly? And thank you for the link.

      1. That’s good, too. But I was hoping someone would go for the obvious in the 80s:

        (Unfortunately, embedding is disabled)

      2. Awesome! I thought maybe you were still knocking on doors while I was out dancing in clubs during the Billy Idol years.

        1. I was riding around in my car screaming the words to “White Wedding.” I believe I’d slipped out of my door-knocking phase by then. All souls in the Joplin, Mo., area were safe from me.

      1. Of course, we could be generous and assume that it was intended as a Christian instructional video.

          1. So, your next book is entitled, “Masturbating with Jesus”?

            PS – Wasn’t that a scene in The Exorcist?

            1. I believe my next book will be “Dining on Satan’s Dime.” No. I kid. I don’t actually have a next book anywhere near the talking-about stage. But thank you.

    1. I just skimmed through that link.

      Terrible. “Masturbation means a boy is growing up. Menstruation means a girl is growing up.”

      Equating masturbation and menstruation? Wha?

      I couldn’t stomach it, and then I skimmed over the author stating oral sex is “bad sex”. *shakes head*

      I may not have had sex, but the close-mindedness of people makes me want to bang my head against the wall.

      Plus, the author mentioned that King Herod wanted to give up half his kingdom because he saw a girl naked. Dude, Salome did not dance naked! Where are people’s exegetical skills? Ughhh.

      1. I think exegesis goes by the way side when it comes to Biblical stories. In fact, I think sometimes people just project what we want to see in there.

    1. Really? The best part’s the opening and when he drops his voice to sing/say “white wedding.” I don’t do a fabulous Billy Idol imitation, but I may be the only female Billy Idol impersonator out there, so at least the competition’s light.

      1. Definitely. I used to sing along and hold the “ing” but I was terrible at it. Then the next best part is toward the end when he sings/yells “start again”.

        Also, “Eyes without a Face” and “Rebel Yell”…good stuff. He did like his crusifixes though, didn’t he?

        1. He did. I could never figure out if that was him acting like Madonna or the other way around. Around the time of his heyday, he had an interview in ‘Rolling Stone’ and the operative word was the f-word. It was an adjective, an adverb, a noun, and a verb. Quite impressive, really.

            1. …which was, of course, part of the attraction. But I think I figured the bad boy image was probably an image and he had a wife and toddler at home. I don’t know if that’s true but I clung to that.

  2. Based on these videos, I think we can conclude that Carrie did not, in fact, make a sex tape; she made a music video. They should leave the poor girl alone – bless her heart.

  3. From IMDB:
    “Despite his bad-boy image, offstage Idol is said to be quite gentle and sensitive, knowledgeable with a good sense of humour and vegetarian.”

    However, I read that he was kicked out of the boy scouts at age 10 for making out with a girl, survived 2 drug overdoses, never married, and had 2 children with 2 different women.

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