Before we talked about “fake news,” the blood-gargling NRA was creating it

This could probably be said of several organizations, but read this, from The Trace. It includes: The National Rifle Association has long benefited from and contributed to…conspiracy theories — and with them has helped to erode faith in American institutions like the government and the mainstream media. You can’t trust the agents of those institutions …

A vote for Hillary is a vote against the blood-gargling NRA

Need proof? Even though NO, Hillary is not coming for your guns (just as Obama did not come for your guns), the blood-gargling National Rifle Association has pumped $6.5 million into anti-Clinton ads. You can read more about that nasty’s organization’s efforts in Colorado here. Here’s the candidate’s proposed policies on gun legislation.

We need research into gun violence

For all the rhetoric that has been flying back and forth in the last few days, we are mostly just guessing about what are the best solutions to gun violence, because research dried up for it (thanks, NRA!) 20 years ago. We need research, now. I wrote this, Ignorance Is Killing Us, for Conn. Health …

It has been a very long day

As their Senate brothers and sisters, led by Connecticut’s Sen. Chris Murphy, did last week with a filibuster, at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, members of the U.S. House of Representatives, led by Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) started a sit-in to call attention to their august body’s inability to do something in regard to gun legislation. The Senate …

So I’m now considering boycotting a whole buncha states

This idea is not original with me but I believe I will start spending my money in places where I agree more with the politics surrounding gun legislation. Actually, states that don’t agree with my views on gun safety are often the same ones that don’t agree with my views on reproductive rights and other issues …

The utter gutlessness of the U.S. Senate

On Monday, the Senate voted down four gun policy measures. One bill would have closed the so-called terror gap. To read some concerns about using the war on terror to write gun legislation, go here. There is some concern that not everyone on the terror watch list belongs there, and taking away their right to bear arms is …

Look what the NRA did to these classic fairy tales

Also titled, “Hansel and Greta (Have Guns).” Take that, Big, Bad Wolf. I say we arm every last one of them — Cinderella (take that, Mean Stepmother), Rapunzel (take that, creepy guy), and Chicken Little (take that, nonbelievers).