Here’s the text of Pres. Obama’s farewell address.

Read it here. Read the fact-checked version here. While Pres. Obama was going high, I was going low, answering Irma from North Carolina, a Trump supporter who suggested I buy a ticket to any foreign country: Ha ha ha ha ha and ha. See the news tonight? Russia has been helping Trump for at last five years. …

For Pres. Obama’s trip to Hiroshima:

Why shouldn’t it be an apology tour? Critics are yammering about how inappropriate it is for Pres. Obama to go to Hiroshima — the first time for a sitting President — and say he’s sorry. (The White House has said there is no apology on the trip’s agenda.) But why? Why can’t he be sorry …

Mitch McConnell is the devil

And he has minions, as well. Cull through that link for some of  the Republicans who refuse to even meet with an Obama nominee for the Supreme Court, now that Associate Justice Antonin Scalia has gone on to his reward. McConnell and others have vowed not to allow a so-called “election year” nominee because I believe they …

RIP Justice Scalia

I couldn’t have disagreed more with Mr. Originalism, but our thoughts go to his family and friends, who are mourning the passing of the Supreme Court justice who died this weekend while on a trip to Texas. The speculation about his possible replacement started immediately. Could Pres. Obama, a Democrat, make an emergency appointment? Well, there’s this: But …

What will Pres. Obama say in his State of the Union address?

Gizmodo says this State of the Union will be “nontraditional,” and Pres. Obama’s chief of staff says the speech will be “a big optimistic generous view of the future.” The White House chief digital officer Jason Goldman, says there will be multiple platforms on which to experience the speech, which was first mentioned in our Constitution‘s Article II, Section 3, …

In which a talking head is born

On Monday, I got a call from the University of New Haven asking if I would be on WTNH (based in New Haven) to talk about tonight’s State of the Union address. Channel 8 had called the school asking for a political scientist or a journalist. I am under no delusion that I was the first person called. There …